May 10, 2019

This summer we’re encouraging families to read the second best-selling book in history, behind the Bible, and what most would say is the greatest allegory ever written: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.

For families we’re suggesting the Little Pilgrim’s Progress, edited by Helen Taylor. Taylor has simplified the vocabulary and concepts for young readers while keeping the storyline in tact. Part 1, the story of Christian, has 49 brief chapters that are 3-4 pages long. We’re suggesting families read 3-5 chapters a week. Parents should review the chapters beforehand to discern how best to present the story. Some parts are heavy and may need to be lightly explained according to the age of the children. You, as the parent, know best. Here’s a study guide to the Little Pilgrim’s Progress that you could use as you see fit as you read with your family.

For adults, we suggest this free version of The Pilgrim’s Progress put out by Desiring God. It gives a wonderful introduction by Leland Ryken and John Piper to help the reader understand John Bunyan’s life and times.

As a wrap up, our aim is to screen an all-age appropriate The Pilgrim’s Progress movie on Sunday evening, August 4.

May we be spurred on in our own journey to the “celestial city” and bring as many with us as we can!
