Our goal is to partner with families in the gospel discipleship of children, supporting and preparing parents as they teach and shepherd their own children.
To see what we currently have going on in our Children's Ministry, check out our Winter 2025 newsletter here.
Sunday Mornings
On Sunday mornings, we offer nursery for birth through 3 years old for the entire worship service. Preschoolers and kindergarteners join their family for corporate worship and are dismissed prior to the sermon for their own time of learning. Kids 1st grade through 6th stay in the service for family worship.
During the school year, children 1st grade through 6th meet at 9am for discipleship groups. Nursery is provided for birth through kindergarten during this time.
Check-In Procedures
We have an electronic check-in system for all nursery kids. When you arrive, head to the welcome desk to check your kids in and get their tags. There will be someone at the desk to help direct you to your kids’ classrooms. If your child has a food allergy/insensitivity or if your child has special needs, please let our volunteers know at check in.
Children's Ministry Events

2024 Vacation Bible School
We will be investigating the stories of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David for signs of Christ. Each day we will learn more about the hope, deliverance, fulfilled promise, and righteousness that can only be found in our Forever King, Jesus. Detectives, the case begins June 23rd through June 27th, from 6-8pm. Registration is open! Check out our VBS page for all the info.
Christmas Tree Scavenger Hunt
Every year, 12 trees are located around Helena for your family to find. Each tree leads to the next one with a fun clue. We have a celebration with prizes at the end of the hunt. Look for the trees in December 2024!
Easter Egg Hunt and Church Picnic
Leading up to Easter each year, we join with our church family for a fun picnic and host an egg hunt for the kids!
Service Opportunities
Nursery (birth to K) | Children (1st - 6th) |
9 am Nursery | Boy's Discipleship Leader |
10:30 am Nursery | Girl's Discipleship Leader |
PreK - Kindergarten | VBS |
To volunteer in our children's ministry for any of these opportunities, please complete our registration form. If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Chandlee.
Philosophy of Ministry
Our children’s ministry is focused on creating a foundation for each child where they are rooted in their faith and are continually taught and discipled from their earliest age. (Colossians 2:6-7) The church family will be supportive in preparing the parents to teach their children as we partner together to shepherd our covenantal children knowing that everyone works together to grow the body. (Ephesians 4:16)
We introduce children to the gospel at the first moment they enter our ministry and focus on the covenant and how that extends to each and every child in our church family. We create an environment for learning who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do in and for them. In this environment they also learn to worship alongside their church family at a young age and serve their church family so they can also begin to share what they have been taught about God’s grace. (Psalm 103:17-18)
The children are given space to learn how everything we do is for the glory of God. We demonstrate this and God’s love as we care for and teach our covenant children. (1 Corinthians 10:31) Children’s Sunday morning classes, VBS, Communicant’s Class, Sunday morning worship service, Mission projects, and family events are opportunities we provide to lay a foundation for a lifetime of discipleship.
Learn more about our discipleship goals here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! We offer nursery for children from birth to 3 years old during the entire service. Preschoolers age 4 - 5K have their own time of learning during the sermon.
Children's discipleship groups meet Sunday mornings during the school year at 9:00 am. These groups are for children 1st through 6th grade.
We love having children in worship! We believe in modeling worship for our children through family worship. We love to see the kids learning how to worship and listen each Sunday. We have children's bulletins available at the registration desk to help guide the kids in active listening throughout the service.