Our Ministries

Children's Ministry

The children's ministry seeks to impact children’s hearts with the gospel of grace, focusing not on external behavior but on a true relationship with Christ.

Student Ministry

Students in 7th-12th grade have many opportunities for connection and growth. There are Sunday Morning Discipleship classes at 9:00am and on Sunday evenings the Students meet for teaching, worship, prayer and fun from 6:00-7:30pm. (These opportunities are available each week from September to May). During the summer there are service opportunities.

Small Groups

The primary goal for discipleship groups is to develop friendships where Christ is experienced and where lives are transformed by the gospel.

Men’s Ministry

Men need each other for encouragement in living out their callings. Our aim is to learn what God requires and supplies through the study of His Word so that we can bring glory to him where we live and work. We desire that each man experience the strength and growth that comes from being in relationship with other men following God.

Women's Ministry

The goals of the women’s ministry are (1) to deepen our women’s knowledge of the Word and awareness of self; (2) to build faith, hope and trust in God; (3) to build connections to other women at CCC; and (4) encourage selfless ministry and living. To meet these goals, we meet throughout the year in a variety of bible studies, fellowships, dinners, training conferences and mom’s playgroups. We also participate in local and national events hosted by the PCA Women’s Ministry.

Missions Ministry

Our aim is to “Make Disciples Who Make Much of Jesus IN ALL NATIONS.” God’s purposes are global and, thus, so is ours. We support many full-time Christian workers throughout America and the world. Our desire is that the Lord would call people from Christ Community to join him as laborers in our country and in places around the world that need the gospel.

Worship Arts

Because we were created to worship God, we live out this intent through gathered worship on Sundays in the singing of praises to God. Knowing that God has given instrumental, vocal and technological gifts to many people at Christ Community, we desire that our church be a place where those gifts can be used. We have many opportunities for people at Christ Community to use their gifts in facilitating the worship of our God.
