Feb 04, 2021
Dear church family,
Over the next few weeks we’ll be highlighting God’s redemptive work around the world. We’ll have a few of our supported missionaries with us to share how God is at work. Exciting weeks!
We fund global missions through what we call Faith Promise Missions Giving. This giving is over-and-above our normal giving. Last year we had 33 families participate. Wonderful! This year our goal is 50 families for $50,000.
How will this money be used? Open our missionary partner PDF to see! We’ll also be bringing on a few more local and global partners that we’ll let you know about soon.
How can you be involved? 1) Worship with us each Sunday (in person or online) to hear how God is at work. 2) Participate in global missions by filling out a Faith Promise pledge card by February 28; these will be mailed soon to our members/attenders, and they'll also be available to pick up at our services this month. 3) Pray for our missionary partners.
This Saturday at 9am at the church building we’ll be praying. The Lord tells His people in Jeremiah 29:12, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.”
Lord, continue to use us to tell the good news locally and globally.