Faith Promise UPDATE & Coming Global Missions Weeks
Jan 28, 2021
Dear friends,
Our global mission weeks are coming up on February 7 and 14. What exciting days these will be as we hear from some of our supported missionaries and look ahead at how we can further the gospel around the world!
We fund our global missions through what we call Faith Promise. Last year 33 families pledged by faith, and promised to give as God supplied a certain amount over and above their regular giving. 2020’s goal was $50,000. This money would support 9 families and ministries in the US and around the world.
So how did God supply and what did our people give? It would seem with a pandemic, cultural turmoil, election turmoil, etc., that we could expect a downturn. Well, we received over $100,000 for Faith Promise for the 2020 giving. God is good! He will supply as we step out in faith! And you all are such wonderful encouragements to give as God supplied in such a generous way! How wonderful to be part of Christ Community!
This “over and above” money will enable us to bring on a number of new missionaries and ministries. Thank you, Lord!
I have such anticipation for our February 7 and 14 Sundays to communicate about and rejoice in all that God has done through us. I’m also excited about looking ahead together!
For God’s name and renown among the nations,