Colossians: the Surpassing Worth of Jesus
Join us in Spring 2021 as we study together through Colossians. Following Paul’s encouragement to the Colossians to "let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,” we are going to go deep together into God’s word and explore its treasures! Check out this link to a printout of the letter to the Colossians along with a suggested study method. The study method is simple and engaging. You can adapt the method however you like to make it your own! We are encouraging everyone (older elementary children to adults) to use it during the sermon and throughout the week. We will have a number of printed copies available on Sunday along with colored pens. If you have a large family or are watching online, you may want to print some extra copies. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us!
This series began Sunday, April 11th, but we had some trouble recording on those days. You can always find our livestream on our YouTube and Facebook channels. Our April 18th video is posted on our YouTube channel, so please go there to hear the first recorded sermon in this series.